ODISSEI is launching an extra call for free data collection in the LISS panel, specifically aimed at questions associated with the corona virus.
The LISS panel, administered by CentERdata, consists of about 4,500 households, comprising of about 7,000 individuals. It is based on a true probability sample of households drawn from the population register by CBS.
As a result of the corona virus, ODISSEI is launching an extra call for free data collection in the LISS panel. Scientists who are interested can submit a short proposal (2-3 pages) to study the social implications and impact of the corona virus.
Given the time sensitivity and general public importance of this topic this call will operate on a shortened timetable and adjusted terms from the regular ODISSEI LISS Grant. The regular ODISSEI LISS Grant will still be opened later this year, at its normal time.
Who can apply
Every researcher affiliated with one of the ODISSEI member organisations can apply for this special LISS Grant.
When you can apply
The application must be submitted no later than 22 March 2020, 23:59 CE(S)T. The project should start in April 2020. ODISSEI aims to inform successful applicants by 1 April 2020.
What can be applied for
There is a budget available for two projects with each a net response of 2,500 respondents and 4 minutes of panel time, which implies about 10 to 12 question items for simple (‘yes/no’) questions. In case more respondents are requested or needed, required panel time needs to be cut down.