CESSDA Webinar – Data Management Expert Guide, 3 December

26 November 2020

On 3 December at 14.00 CET CESSDA is organising a webinar on the CESSDA Data Management Expert Guide, where a researcher, a trainer and an expert will be on hand to discuss why and how to use the guide for Research Data Management in the social sciences and beyond.

The webinar brings multiple perspectives on Open Science approaches to research and data collection, as well as training opportunities and pointers on how to make your own data management plan. 


  • Expert guidance by Ricarda Braukmann (DANS)
  • Trainer perspective and questions by Patrícia Isabel Martins Miranda (ICS Ulisboa)
  • Early Career Researcher practices and questions on Data Management Plans by Sothearath Seang (Eurodoc)

The ODISSEI Portal team uses the CESSDA Metadata Model (CCM) to align variable level metadata from several datasets, including CBS Microdata, the LISS panel, and those in the EASY-DANS archive.

Relevant links:

The CESSDA Data Management Expert Guide

The ODISSEI Data Facility: Portal