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Call for SHARE User Workshop

On Thursday 16 May 2019, SHARE Netherlands, member of the ODISSEI network, organizes a user workshop together with SHARE Germany. This workshop will include scientific presentations and practical sessions on how to get more out of the SHARE data. At the event, you can also learn about the new possibilities for data linkage with CBS Microdata.

Students and researchers interested in networking with other SHARE data users are invited to join this workshop. Also a Call for Papers to present one’s ongoing research on SHARE data is now open. 
More information can be found here

Participation is free of charge. Please subscribe by sending an email to Sabine Friedel.

GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
50667 Cologne, Germany (near railway station)

Marika de Bruijne