SICSS-ODISSEI open for applications

From June 20 to July 1, 2022, ODISSEI will host a Summer Institute in Computational Social Science in the Netherlands. The purpose of the Summer Institute is to bring together graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and early career researchers interested in computational social science. The Summer Institute is for both social scientists (broadly conceived) and data scientists (broadly conceived).

The Summer Institutes in Computational Social Science (SICSS) were created to provide free training to the next generation of researchers at the intersection of social science and data science— and to incubate cutting-edge research across disciplinary boundaries.

About the programme

The instructional program will involve lectures, group problem sets, and interactive work sessions. There will also be outside speakers who conduct computational social science research in a variety of settings, such as academia, industry, and government. Topics covered include text as data, website scraping, digital field experiments, machine learning, and ethics. Because we are committed to open and reproducible research, all materials created by faculty and students for the Summer Institute will be released open source.

ODISSEI welcomes applicants from all backgrounds and fields of study, especially applicants from groups currently under-represented in computational social science.

You can read more about the SICSS-ODISSEI programme here.

How to apply

The Summer School is open to participants from outside of the Netherlands. There are no restrictions based on citizenship, country of study, or country of employment. SICSS-ODISSEI is free of charge for accepted participants.

About 20 participants will be invited, and participants are required to fully attend and participate in the entire two-week program.

We evaluate applicants along a number of dimensions:

  • research and teaching in the area of computational social science
  • contributions to public goods, such as creating open source software, curating public datasets, and creating educational opportunities for others
  • likelihood to benefit from participation
  • likelihood to contribute to the educational experience of other participants
  • potential to spread computational social science throughout the ODISSEI community.

In order to be guaranteed consideration, applicants must submit a CV and a short statement of motivation (max 600 words). All application materials must be submitted by February 28, 2022. We will notify applicants solely through e-mail by March 15, 2022, and will ask participants to confirm their participation very soon thereafter.

Inquiries can be sent to

You can apply directly by clicking on the button below.

Relevant links:

Photograph by Dennis Möller on Unsplash