CBS – ODISSEI Microdata Meeting: Beyond the limits of the CBS RA environment: efficient programming and the ODISSEI Secure Supercomputer

On Monday 16 May, from 14-15 hrs (CET), Erik-Jan van Kesteren (UU) will present on the ways in which you can deal with the computational limits of the CBS Remote Access environment. He will give an accessible introduction to the variety of ways in which you can programme more efficiently when using microdata in your research. Furthermore, he will discuss when you should and should not move your project to the ODISSEI Secure Supercomputer.

Users who after this lecture want to know more about conducting research on the supercomputer, can register for a workshop that takes place on 24 May at SURF, via: ‘Supercomputing for Social Scientists with R.’

The CBS-ODISSEI Microdata Meetings feature innovative research and methodological developments using CBS microdata, to inform all those who are interested in conducting microdata research. You can read more about the lecture of Erik-Jan van Kesteren below, and register via the button.

Online registration for this Microdata Meeting has closed, but you can still join by requesting a link via

Beyond the limits of the CBS RA environment: efficient programming and the ODISSEI Secure Supercomputer

What to do when your CBS microdata analysis takes too many computational resources to run on the remote access environment? In this meeting, Erik-Jan van Kesteren (Utrecht University) will talk about solutions to this problem. It will be an accessible introduction to a variety of ways in which you can programme more efficiently when using microdata in your research. Furthermore, it will discuss when you should and should not move your project to the ODISSEI Secure Supercomputer. 

The introduction will include some live coding, exploring different options for project organisation, speeding up code, benchmarking, profiling, and reducing memory requirements. During his talk, Van Kesteren will also touch upon topics such as “embarassingly parallel”, scientific programming, data pipelines, open source, and open science. Although the presentation will center around data analysis with R, these principles also hold for other languages, such as Python or Julia.

About the speaker: Erik-Jan van Kesteren is Assistant Professor of Data Science at Utrecht University & team lead at the ODISSEI Social Data Science team. 

Supercomputer workshop at SURF

Microdata users who want to learn how to use a supercomputer with R, can furthermore sign up for the SURF workshop on ‘Supercomputing for Social Scientists with R‘ that takes place on 24 May, that is organised in collaboration with Erik-Jan van Kesteren and ODISSEI.


Photo by Thomas Lefebvre on Unsplash