LISS Call 2021

In the LISS Call 2021, researchers working at one of the ODISSEI member organisations can apply for free data collection through the LISS panel and for funding for a project that expands the LISS panel data with CBS microdata.

LISS panel information event

On 20 May, from 13:00 to 15:00, ODISSEI and CentERdata are organising an information event during which researchers can learn more about working with the LISS panel. During this afternoon, a variety of speakers will introduce the LISS panel and the research opportunities the panel offers. Two researchers will present their LISS research project, which were funded by the ODISSEI LISS grant.

ODISSEI Lunch Lecture: The European Social Survey (ESS)

On Thursday, 29 April, prof. dr. Aat Liefbroer (NIDI) and Tim Hanson (City University London) will present the European Social Survey (ESS) and the methodological and technical challenges it currently faces, both internationally and in the Netherlands. We warmly invite you to attend this lecture, learn more about the European Social Survey, and participate in the Q&A and discussion after the lecture.