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ODISSEI online Lunchlezing: microdata en geo-analyse

Op dinsdag 9 februari 2021, van 12:00 tot 13:00 uur, vindt de eerste ODISSEI Lunchlezing plaats. Dr. Hannah Roberts (UU) presenteert haar onderzoek naar de samenhang tussen blootstelling aan omgevingsfactoren en symptomen van depressie. Voor het onderzoek heeft Roberts surveydata gelinkt aan CBS microdata en GPS data.

We nodigen je van harte uit om deze online lezing bij te wonen en meer over de mogelijkheden van CBS microdata te weten te komen. Na de lezing is er ruimte voor vragen en discussie. Lees het volledige abstract hieronder (Engels). Online aanmelden voor dit evenement is niet meer mogelijk, maar als je toch nog wil aansluiten stuur dan graag een email naar

Abstract (Engels): Residential- and mobility-based environmental exposures and depressive symptoms

Robert’s research, in collaboration with Dr. Marco Helbich, aimed to investigate associations between multiple environmental exposures and depressive symptoms in the Netherlands. Few studies go beyond the residential environment in assessments of the environment-mental health association. In this research, Roberts examined the relationship between environmental exposures and depressive symptoms both in the residential environment and also along the daily mobility path. Data on depressive symptoms were obtained by means of a survey, and respondents were invited to download a smartphone app that tracked their movements for 7 days. These data were further enriched with CBS microdata. This allowed exposure to green space, blue space, air pollution and noise around the residential location of respondents to be determined, as well as along their daily mobility path. The researchers calculated exposures according to 50m and 100m buffer sizes. Separate multiple regression analyses were conducted using the residential- and mobility-based environmental exposures. The results suggested that exposure to green space within 50m, both at home and along the daily mobility path, is associated with a reduction in depression symptoms. The researchers hope to demonstrate (one of) the geospatial possibilities of microdata.

Dr. Hannah Roberts is a postdoctoral researcher working on the “Dynamic Urban Environmental Exposures on Depression and Suicide”, or “NEEDS” project. The project aims to understand the correlations between environmental exposures, depression and suicide. She completed her PhD at the University of Leeds (UK) and the Bradford Institute for Health Research. Her thesis aimed to provide evidence to inform the design of environmental interventions into green space use in order to promote health.

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Photo by Yoal Desurmont on Unsplash