Op 2 juni 2022, van 13:00 tot 15:00, organiseren ODISSEI en Centerdata een informatie evenement over onderzoek met het LISS panel. Tijdens deze middag introduceren verschillende sprekers het LISS panel en lichten ze de onderzoeksmogelijkheden toe. Het evenement is geschikt voor onderzoekers die geïnteresseerd zijn in werken met het LISS panel, waaronder onderzoekers die een aanvraag willen indienen voor de LISS Grant 2022, of onderzoekers die meer willen weten over het LISS panel. Bekijk het volledige programma hieronder (Engels).
Lees meer over het LISS panel en de LISS Grant 2022 op de LISS panel toegang pagina.
Online registratie voor dit evenement is gesloten, maar je kan nog deelnemen door de zoom-link aan te vragen via communications@odissei-data.nl.
13.00-13.15 | Introducing the LISS panel, Marcel Das (Centerdata) Marcel Das is the director at Centerdata and a member of the Management Board of ODISSEI. He will give an introduction on how the LISS panel is organised, what the scientific importance of the panel is and how you can use it for your own research. |
13.15-13.30 | Linking the LISS panel data to the administrative data of CBS. What are the benefits and how to do it? Kasia Karpinska (ODISSEI) Kasia Karpinska will discuss the benefits of linking the LISS panel data to the CBS microdata. She will present a few examples of how a research question can be extended when utilising the linkage possibilities and will discuss the procedure for the linkage and the available ODISSEI funding. |
13.30-13.50 | Innovation with LISS, Joris Mulder (Centerdata) Joris Mulder is the coordinator of the LISS panel and a researcher at Centerdata. He will present the possibilities of new and innovative research in the LISS panel by discussing several examples of earlier fielded research projects (some of them supported by the LISS panel grant), such as data donation. |
13.50-14.20 | New survey instruments to measure preferences for redistribution, Jochem de Bresser (TiU-TISEM) In democracies the views of the voting population ultimately determine important policies, such as redistribution of income and wealth. Recent trends in income inequality, migration and intergenerational mobility have motivated a new wave of attention for preferences for income distributions and redistribution. In this talk, de Bresser will discuss an innovative survey item that uses interactive graphs and tables to advance the measurement of these important preferences. Moreover, de Bresser will discuss randomized survey experiments designed to investigate the causal impact of different types of information. |
14.20-14.40 | LISS Panel Call, Kasia Karpinska (ODISSEI) Kasia Karpinska is Scientific Manager at ODISSEI. She will introduce the ODISSEI LISS grant. |
14.40-15.00 | General Q&A on using the LISS panel and the LISS grant |