Hackathon ASReview for Follow the Money

Investigating the communication between multinational oil and gas company Shell and the Dutch government.

In light of the recently launched Special Interest Group of Applied Data Science, the ASReview-team is organizing a hackathon! To investigate the communication between multinational oil and gas company Shell and the Dutch government, Follow the Money (FTM) is gathering and scrutinizing many many documents.


Goal & Hackathon Tracks

The goal of the Hackathon is to help FTM find the relevant documents sooner by using active learning instead of randomly reading all documents. There are many things that can be done to help FTM, but within this Hackathon, you could focus on:

  1. Data-preprocessing: Pre-processing the data and automatic cleaning, so it can be used for text-mining and other Active Learning solutions. If successful, your script would be the starting point of all the steps that follow in the investigation. Everything starts with clean data!
  2. Visualization: Visualizing the data, see for example this semantic clustering for the Covid-19 papers by Albert Harkema. Will your visuals be used to showcase the hidden connections?
  3. Smart Screening: Making the datasets available in ASReview LAB, like was done for the CORD19 database. Getting the data into ASReview will help FTM to find the relevant documents sooner. Your solution could help FTM for all of their other investigations as well!

The ultimate goal is to ​implement the scripts and ideas developed during the Hackathon for FTM to be built upon and extended for future projects as well.

Read more about the Hackaton here.

Click here to register directly.

Datum 26 november 2021