CBS – ODISSEI Microdata Meeting – Lydia Geijtenbeek

On February 23, from 14.00 to 15.00 hours, the next CBS – ODISSEI Microdata meeting will take place. Lydia Geijtenbeek (Statistics Netherlands) will present her work called Energy Poverty in Figures.

You can register here.

With the increasing fossil fuel prices and the need to transform our energy systems, energy poverty has become an increasingly important topic. Households are energy poor when their energy bill is too high compared to their income, negatively affecting their health or social life. As a follow-up to a study of TNO (2021), Statistics Netherlands has created a file that describes energy poverty in the Netherlands through 4 different indicators. This dataset for the year 2020 will soon be available for researchers via the secure remote access (RA) environment. During her presentation, Lydia Geijtenbeek will show how these data have been constructed, how they can be used for social research, and how the already available data can be used to estimate the current levels of energy poverty.

Photo by Jonny Caspari on Unsplash.

Datum 23 februari 2023