Categorie: CBS Microdata
The (un-)intended consequences of a ban on commission-based financial advice
This project examines how changes in financial advisor remuneration impact consumers’ financial decisions and outcomes. Advisor remuneration often includes sales commissions, incentivizing biased advice toward high-fee products that generate higher commissions (Bergstresser, Chalmers, and Tufano, 2009; Del Guercio and Reuter, 2014; Christoffersen, Evans, and Musto, 2013; Hoechle et al., 2018; Egan, 2019). Consequently, regulators often…
Societal Segregation: Disentangling Choice from Opportunity using Dutch Register Data
This research aims to illuminate the root causes of social and economic segregation: is it driven more by individual preferences to form relationships to different versus similar others or is it exacerbated by a lack of diversity in the social spaces (e.g. schools, workplaces, neighborhoods) that people navigate? Segregation, where people of different races, migration…
Life with dementia
Dementia affects many aspects of life over a prolonged period. Yet, when studying dementia, social scientists working with administrative data typically rely on proxy measures for dementia that mean that important questions, e.g. about the diagnosis or disease stage, cannot be answered. We solve this problem by linking population registry data at Statistics Netherlands to…
The health effects of air pollution in the Netherlands
This project studies the causal effects of air pollution on medication prescriptions, hospitalizations, and health care expenditures. We aim to combine detailed administrative data from Statistics Netherlands with records from the RIVM (Dutch: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu) on local air pollution. We use several econometric methods to identify the causal effect of air pollution…
Socio-economic and health impacts of family planning support for vulnerable women and men in the Netherlands
Making well-deliberated and informed decisions about family planning and contraceptive use does not come naturally to everyone. Although vulnerable individuals are shown to have lower uptake of contraceptives, evidence on targeted interventions to assist vulnerable individuals in their family planning is lacking. With this study, I aim to provide causal evidence of the impacts of…
Building up Employability: Evidence from Curriculum Updates in the Netherlands
Trends like digitalization and the energy transition are major drivers of changes in the demand for skills in the labor market. Vocational education and training (VET) play a crucial role to train students for practical roles and prepare them for these changes. This study focuses on Dutch VET graduates and investigates the consequences of curriculum…
Human capital development in the Netherlands
We use the OSSC to run over 400 million univariate regressions using Dutch administrative data at the secure servers of Statistics Netherlands (CBS). We document how, when, and where the opportunity gap in the Netherlands opens up. We show how circumstances in childhood are associated with outcomes from birth through adulthood. We look at outcomes…
Network determinants of upward socio-economic mobility in the Netherlands
The research group POPNET has been analyzing the 2018 social network of the Netherlands to explore its network properties and their relationship with socio-economic indicators. Recently, data on the family, school, work, neighbour, and household connections became available annually from 2009 to 2022 via CBS’s microdata environment. The new primary goal of the group is…
Comorbidity of mental health and somatic diseases
Previous studies suggest that Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is associated with cardiometabolic diseases, but the full risk profile in autistic individuals remainsunclear. Most existing evidence comes from small sample sizes. To address this, we conducted a large-scale cohort study using data from the entire population of theNetherlands, comprising, after exclusion criteria, over 8 million individuals.…
Modelling of school choice and school segregation: data-driven agent-based models
Agent-Based Models (ABMs) are increasingly being used to model interactions and dynamics within social systems. Consequently, they are also considered to be a very suitable tool for studying the dynamics of school choice and school segregation. However, empirically calibrated ABMs have received limited attention in this field. Mostly due to computational challenges (it is often…