Over de Data Facility

The Data Facility is a cluster of systems to strengthen the findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability (FAIR) of data from longitudinal panel studies in the social sciences, administrative data from Statistics Netherlands, and new forms of data such as large-scale digitally available, textual data, and social media data. It also includes a secure high-performance computing environment, incorporating linkable datasets and advanced analytics tools at the national supercomputer of SURFsara. Acknowledging that all data are potentially identifiable and potentially sensitive, ODISSEI will have policies and technical procedures in place to protect data privacy. High-speed analyses of timely, complex and diverse data will help better address social science’s key intellectual and policy puzzles.

The Data Facility is a work stream in the ODISSEI Roadmap project. The other work streams are the ObservatoryLaboratory and Hub.

The Data Facility consists of three closely interrelated tasks:

  1. Widening CBS Microdata access
  2. ODISSEI Secure Supercomputer
  3. ODISSEI Portal