CBS-ODISSEI Microdata Meeting – dr. Corina Huisman

On November 15 from 13.00 to 14.00 hours, dr. Corina Huisman (Statistics Netherlands, CBS) will present Woonbase, a new database made available by CBS. “Who lives where and with whom?” is a central question in research on the housing market. Together with the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Statistics Netherlands developed a database in which data from different sources are combined: the Woonbase. This database makes it possible to study housing market related questions that focus on houses, individuals, households or a combination of these. In her lecture Huisman will give an introduction to Woonbase and explain how researchers can use it.

More information and registration here.

Photo by Max Böttinger on Unsplash.

Datum 15 november 2022