Year: 2019
Determinants of Civic versus Economic Outcomes of Dutch Secondary Education
Education fulfils a vital role in preparing generations for the future. This involves an economic and a civic task: to provide youngsters labour market qualification, and to prepare them for participation in society and democracy. Determinants of school effectiveness for fulfilment of the economic task have been extensively studied, and this is also increasingly the…
The effect of mergers on market power: large scale evidence from the Netherlands
Of the money earned by companies, an increasing proportion is going to the owners by way of profits, and a decreasing proportion is paid out to both the owners of capital and the workers (Barkai, 2017). The redistribution that accompanies such an increase in market power has been directly linked to increasing inequality and its…
Utilizing a natural experiment to investigate the effect of educational failure on mental health
Educational failure, such as grade retention, drop-down or drop-out, has been associated with poor mental health in children and adults. This association could be due to a causal effect of educational failure, but it is also likely to result, at least in part, from the presence of confounding factors affecting both education and health, such…
Gene-environment interplay in education: the impact of school quality and tracking
Dutch children with similar IQ are twice as likely to attain higher education when their parents are highly educated compared to when parents are lower educated. The magnitude of such unequal opportunities is thought to depend on characteristics of the school environment, such as school quality and the way children are tracked into different educational…
Suicidal acts in the Dutch context
Scientific interest in suicidal acts (attempted and completed suicides) spans a wide range of disciplines from epidemiology, through economics, psychology, and unquestionably – sociology. Though theoretically well-informed, one of the leading challenges in the study of suicidal acts has unquestionably been methodological, namely, the availability of high-quality, individual-level data. The goal of this project is…
The Dutch Mental Health Continuum Short Form – Revised
After the World Health Organization called for a broader approach to mental health, well-being has become increasingly important in the field of mental health, both in research and in practice. Good measurement instruments are needed to routinely monitor the well-being of clients. The Mental Health Continuum – Short Form (MHC-SF) has been validated in population…
Objective neighbourhood characteristics or perceptions? What is more important in affecting individual outcomes?
Perceptions of neighbourhood conditions – no matter how accurate or biased – can have real consequences for neighbourhoods and individuals, and might even be more important than the objective characteristics. This study investigates how important these neighbourhood perceptions are for understanding individual outcomes (i.a. trust, inter-ethnic attitudes, unsafety feelings), and will provide insight in how…
Measuring identification with multiple political parties
The notion of party identification has been one of the most prominent concepts in political science, in particular in the field of mass political behaviour. Recently, the measurement of this concept was strongly improved via publications based on survey data with multi-item indices includes in the LISS Panel (2012) and surveys in Sweden (2013) and…
Who is politically intolerant?
A strong democracy needs a vibrant public sphere, governed by normative values of democratic pluralism, freedom of expression and equality. Nowadays, political discussion does not always adhere to these norms, instead showing signs of political intolerance. This project looks at the presence and correlates of political intolerance in an effort to tease out who is…
An algorithm a day keeps the doctor away? View of the general population to determine the future path of artificial intelligence in medicine
Artificial intelligence has begun to be incorporated into medicine to improve patient care. However, the view of the general population on this topic has been ignored. Though, it is crucial to study their view since this determines the purposes for which and the boundaries within which AI systems should be developed and operate in medical…