Organisation type: Public research agency
Kennisinstituut voor Mobiliteitsbeleid (KiM)
The Knowledge Institute for Mobility Policy (KiM) provides knowledge for the mobility policy of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (IenW).
Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP)
The Netherlands Institute for Social Research – SCP is a government agency which conducts research into the social aspects of all areas of government policy. The main fields studied are health, welfare, social security, the labour market and education, with a particular focus on the interfaces between these fields. The reports published by SCP are…
Netherlands institute for health services research (Nivel)
Nivel, short for ‘Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research’, is an independent non-profit foundation which contributes to the quality and effectiveness of the Dutch healthcare system.
Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL)
PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency is the national institute for strategic policy analysis in the fields of the environment, nature, and spatial planning. PBL contributes to improving the quality of political and administrative decision-making by conducting outlook studies, analyses, and evaluations in which an integrated approach is considered paramount.
Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB)
CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB) was founded in 1945. Research at CPB is carried out on CPB’s own initiative, or at the request of the government, parliament, individual members of parliament, national trade unions or employers’ federations.
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
RIVM, the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, works towards a healthy population living in a sustainable, safe and healthy environment. RIVM pursues those goals based on independent scientific research.