ODISSEI is led by two independent bodies: a Supervisory Board and a Management Board. The Coordination Team supports the functioning of ODISSEI on a daily basis.
- The Supervisory Board
It is the highest body and consists of seven delegates from member organisations of ODISSEI. The Supervisory Board meets at least once a year and decides on the annual plan and budget. It is supported by the ODISSEI Coordination Team at Erasmus University Rotterdam. - The Management Board
Led by Pearl Dykstra, professor of Empirical Sociology at Erasmus University Rotterdam, is appointed by the Supervisory Board. The Management Board meets approximately eight times a year and is responsible for ODISSEI’s daily management. - The Coordination Team
The Coordination Team is responsible for the daily operations of ODISSEI. The Coordination Team (CT) is assigned by the Management Board (MB) and is located at the lead member organisation, Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Prof. Dr. Claes de Vreese
Chair of Political Communication at The Amsterdam School of Communication Research, University of Amsterdam; Deans of Social Sciences

Prof. Dr. Viola Angelini
Aletta Jacobs Chair, University of Groningen; Deans of Economics and Business Administration

Prof. Dr. Susan Branje
Head of Department Education & Pedagogy’ and ‘Youth & Family’, Utrecht University; Deans of Social Sciences

Dr. Paulette Flore
Quantitative methodologist, Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau; Public research institutes

Prof. Dr. Maarten van Ham
Chair of department of Urbanism, TU Delft; Deans of Social Sciences

Hanneke Imbens, MSc
Director Socioeconomic and spatial statistics, Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek

Prof. Dr. Beate Volker
Director of the Netherland’s Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR); KNAW/NWO institutes and infrastructure providers

Prof. Dr. Pearl Dykstra
Honorary Chair of the ODISSEI Management Board; Professor of Empirical Sociology, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Prof. Dr. Daniel Oberski
Scientific Director, Chair of the ODISSEI Management Board; Professor in Data Science, Methodology and Statistics, Utrecht University

Drs. Ran van den Boom
Teammanager Microdata Services, Statistics Netherlands (CBS)

Prof. Dr. Dorret Boomsma
Full Professor, Biological Psychology, VU Amsterdam

Dr. Collete Bos
Programme Director, Netherlands eScience Center

Prof. dr. Marcel Das
Director Centerdata / Full professor Econometrics and Data collection, Tilburg University

Dr. Annette Langedijk
Research Partnership Lead, SURF

Prof. Dr. Jacco van Ossenbruggen
Full Professor Human-Centred Data Science, VU Amsterdam

Prof. Dr. Jessica Piotrowski
Professor Communication in the Digital Society, University of Amsterdam

Anja Smit, MA
Director, Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)

Dr. Tom Emery
Executive Director ODISSEI; Associate Professor, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Prof. Dr. Julia Lane
Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, New York University

Amy O’Hara
Director, Georgetown Federal Statistical Research Data Center Research Professor Georgetown University

Prof. Dr. Melinda Mills
Professor of Demography and Population Health, University of Oxford

Sally Wyatt
Professor of Digital Cultures, Technology & Society Studies Maastricht University