Greener than others? Misperceptions about relative pro-environmental engagement and their impact on climate action

10 July 2024

Individuals’ behaviors are causing environmental problems and behavioral change is needed to mitigate these problems. Recent research suggests that the majority of people have a biased perception of their pro-environmental engagement, namely they see themselves as “greener” than others. It has been speculated that this bias inhibits people from taking further pro-environmental actions. Yet, research on this bias and its consequences is scarce and has limitations in terms of data and methods used. Using the representative LISS panel, this project investigates whether people really report and believe that they are greener than others and whether such (mis)perceptions differ across groups. This project also examines whether correcting potential misperceptions about others can promote pro-environmental action. The project shall provide insights that help designing effective policy interventions for society-wide pro-environmental action.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash