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  • Typifying rule-followers and rule-breakers: the effect of greed on rule-compliance

    Typifying rule-followers and rule-breakers: the effect of greed on rule-compliance

    For societies to adequately respond to pressing challenges like climate change, citizens need to follow behavioral rules, even when it involves personal sacrifices like reducing your carbon footprint. Rule violations are widespread, illustrating the need for a deeper understanding of when and why people follow rules. This project will examine the role of greed, the…

  • Mental Health of Children with Same-Sex Parents

    Mental Health of Children with Same-Sex Parents

    Same-sex parents are likely to face unique stressors due to their sexual orientation, such as negative feedback from family and friends, and a hostile social and legal environment. This added stress of same-sex parents may in turn translate to reduced mental health of their children. Previous literature that compared mental health outcomes of children with…

  • The Impact of Health Shocks on Inter-vivos Transfers: Implications for Taxes and Public Transfers

    The Impact of Health Shocks on Inter-vivos Transfers: Implications for Taxes and Public Transfers

    The Dutch tax system redistributes money between citizens via taxes, subsidies, and social programs. An important share of these transfers are from the young (working people) towards the old (retired people). Besides these public transfers, there are also private transfer that redistribute money between generations. We study one important channel that redistributes wealth between generations:…

  • Female entrepreneurs: life cycle trajectories and the effect of maternity leave

    Female entrepreneurs: life cycle trajectories and the effect of maternity leave

    Women continue to be underrepresented in entrepreneurship and female-owned businesses tend to be smaller, less likely to receive external financing, and are less profitable than male-owned ones. In this project, we plan to leverage the richness of the CBS Microdata and two maternity leave reforms to shed light on the gender gap in entrepreneurship and…

  • Rising through the Ranks: Firms and Social Mobility

    Rising through the Ranks: Firms and Social Mobility

    Across the developed world income inequality is on the rise whereas social mobility is in decline. Current generations will likely experience less equality of opportunity than any generation since the Second World War. Many studies of social mobility focus on the transmission of human capital from parents to children, but few consider the role of…

  • Understanding educational pathways of undocumented children in the Netherlands

    Understanding educational pathways of undocumented children in the Netherlands

    This project will use sequence analysis using transition-oriented optimal matching to understand the educational pathways of children in the Netherlands with likely undocumented immigration status, comparing their pathways to other immigrant children and non-immigrants. “Likely undocumented children” will be identified as those whose educational records cannot be linked to other register data. While it is…

  • Understanding Price Spreads in the Housing Market

    Understanding Price Spreads in the Housing Market

    Houses oftentimes sell at a price that differs significantly from the price that it was initially marketed for. This creates frustrating uncertainty for buyers and is at odds with the assumption of an efficient housing market, in which list prices reflect a house’s market value and should therefore be close to the final sale price.…

  • The impact of peers on fathers’ labour supply

    The impact of peers on fathers’ labour supply

    Gender gaps in the Dutch labour market remain persistent. An important explanation for this observation is the slow-moving changes in gender norms and culture. Gender norms and culture are changing through peoples’ interactions with peers. So far, research on peer effects on work hours or leave taking has almost exclusively focused on mothers. Using micro-econometric…

  • Inclusive democratic decision-making: support for democratic innovations among underrepresented citizens

    Inclusive democratic decision-making: support for democratic innovations among underrepresented citizens

    A key value of democratic governance is the inclusion of people with various backgrounds, beliefs, and interests; however in our democracy various societal groups feel left out. Democratic innovations, such as minipublics and referendums, are proposed to improve the inclusiveness of democratic processes. Yet it remains to be seen whether people who feel underrepresented actually…

  • Perceptions of Inequality and Fiscal Policy Preferences

    Perceptions of Inequality and Fiscal Policy Preferences

    The aim of this study is to improve our understanding of citizens’ perception of inequalities in two specific ways: i) by documenting whether citizens hold accurate beliefs about wealth and income inequality (including their own relative position) and how they perceive the role of merit and luck play in determining such inequality, and ii) by…