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  • How we eat: an inventory of consumption settings and their effect on diet and health

    How we eat: an inventory of consumption settings and their effect on diet and health

    The ever-increasing number of people with nutritional intake-related diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes has led governments and scientists worldwide to closely monitor the food and beverage intake of inhabitants, to facilitate the development of healthy dietary habits. Here, we propose that when addressing the health implications of unhealthy eating, not…

  • Valuation uncertainty: Explaining the WTA-WTP gap and their lack of correlation

    Valuation uncertainty: Explaining the WTA-WTP gap and their lack of correlation

    Putting an exact value on assets is often difficult since it involves a complicated process of trading off different attributes. This difficulty can lead to valuation uncertainty; people consider a range of possible values for an asset instead of one exact value. Valuation uncertainty has important scientific, practical, and societal implications. It is, however, difficult…

  • Households’ consumption and time use behavior before and after the Covid19-pandemic

    Households’ consumption and time use behavior before and after the Covid19-pandemic

    The Covid19-pandemic has had substantial effects on households’ consumption and time use behavior due to social distancing, job loss, and work from home. Using a new 2021-wave of the LISS Time Use and Consumption data, we study the extent to which the Covid19-pandemic has changed patterns of households’ consumption and time use in the post-Covid19-pandemic…

  • Explaining global citizenship

    Explaining global citizenship

    With reaching global development goals being dependent on the actions of all sectors and actors in society, it is imperative to understand the engagement of ordinary citizens with international poverty and development. Understanding citizens’ engagement in turn requires a broad perspective on global citizenship behaviours and a less fragmented measurement of prosocial behaviour than is…

  • Communicating personalized health information: What works best for whom?

    Communicating personalized health information: What works best for whom?

    Communicating probability information about risks and benefits of health interventions or treatment options to patients is becoming an essential part of modern-day health care. In light of the growing emphasis of personalized medicine and patient-centered shared decision-making, there has been rapid growth in the development of personalized health information tools for patients, with the aim…

  • Poor benefits. The role of financial stress in the non-take-up of social welfare

    Poor benefits. The role of financial stress in the non-take-up of social welfare

    Many poor households forego social welfare despite eligibility, which keeps them in a cycle of poverty. Traditional theories focusing on the economic costs and benefits of claiming social welfare do not provide a satisfactory explanation for high levels of non-take-up. The current study aims to unravel the psychological costs of non-take-up of social benefits. We…

  • Determinants of Civic versus Economic Outcomes of Dutch Secondary Education

    Determinants of Civic versus Economic Outcomes of Dutch Secondary Education

    Education fulfils a vital role in preparing generations for the future. This involves an economic and a civic task: to provide youngsters labour market qualification, and to prepare them for participation in society and democracy. Determinants of school effectiveness for fulfilment of the economic task have been extensively studied, and this is also increasingly the…

  • The effect of mergers on market power: large scale evidence from the Netherlands

    The effect of mergers on market power: large scale evidence from the Netherlands

    Of the money earned by companies, an increasing proportion is going to the owners by way of profits, and a decreasing proportion is paid out to both the owners of capital and the workers (Barkai, 2017). The redistribution that accompanies such an increase in market power has been directly linked to increasing inequality and its…

  • Utilizing a natural experiment to investigate the effect of educational failure on mental health

    Utilizing a natural experiment to investigate the effect of educational failure on mental health

    Educational failure, such as grade retention, drop-down or drop-out, has been associated with poor mental health in children and adults. This association could be due to a causal effect of educational failure, but it is also likely to result, at least in part, from the presence of confounding factors affecting both education and health, such…

  • Gene-environment interplay in education: the impact of school quality and tracking

    Gene-environment interplay in education: the impact of school quality and tracking

    Dutch children with similar IQ are twice as likely to attain higher education when their parents are highly educated compared to when parents are lower educated. The magnitude of such unequal opportunities is thought to depend on characteristics of the school environment, such as school quality and the way children are tracked into different educational…