LISS projects 2018

27 May 2019

In the ODISSEI LISS call 2018, nine projects were awarded free time in the LISS panel:

  • Seger Breugelmans, Tilburg University
  • Henk van der Kolk, Twente University
  • Tim Wildschut, Utrecht University
  • Nadine Bol, Universiteit van Amsterdam
  • Bella Struminskaya, Utrecht University
  • Muriel Hagenaars, Utrecht University
  • Mariëlle Cloin, Tilburg University
  • Bastian Jaeger, Tilburg University
  • Banu Aysolmaz, Maastricht University

The projects are discussed below:

About LISS

The LISS panel consists of about 4,500 households, comprising of about 7,000 individuals. It is based on a true probability sample of households drawn from the population register by CBS.

Next rounds for free panel time

In 2019, ODISSEI has launched a new call for free panel time, with similar conditions.

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