Ana Petrović Receives PhD Cum Laude

15 October 2020

On September 15 Ana Petrović (TU Delft) successfully defended her PhD thesis ‘Multiscale spatial contexts and neighbourhood effects’. She received her PhD Cum Laude.

Next to completing her PhD, Petrović was one of the first research who has used the ODISSEI Secure Supercomputer (OSSC). Her OSSC project, which she did in collaboration with her supervisors Maarten van Ham (TU Delft) and David Manley (University of Bristol), is focused on the influence of spatial inequality on individual socioeconomic status. To understand this influence, they analysed the living environment at various scales, looking at the proportion of low-income residents and residents with a non-western background at each scale. They used data from Statistics Netherlands (CBS), including (anonymised) datasets on income per residential address over time. With this data, the researchers had 3.4 billion data points, which they analysed using the ODISSEI Secure Supercomputer (OSSC).

The results vary greatly between the different levels of measurement, showing the importance of measuring spatial contextual characteristics at different scales.

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