The department of Methods and Statistics at the Faculty of Social Science at Utrecht University offers a variety of courses during the Utrecht Summer School 2021 that may be of interest to the ODISSEI community. Registration is now open for most courses. The Utrecht University Summer school offers fully accredited summer courses on bachelor, master, and PhD level, all taught in English. Last year, the summer school moved to an online platform. This year, the organisation hopes to be able to offer some courses on location. Stay informed on the Covid-19 page.
A selection of the available Methods and Statistics courses:
- Introduction to Multilevel Analysis; a 3-day course on the basics of multilevel modelling, offering hands-on experience with HLM. 07 July – 9 July, 2021. (course code: S14)
- Data Science: Statistical programming with R; a 5-day beginners course in doing statistical analyses with R. 5 July – 9 July 2021. (course code: S24)
- Data Science: Data analysis; a 5-day course offering hands-on experience with applying data analysis and visualization techniques, both venerable and novel, using R. 19 July – 23 July 2021. (course code: S31)
- Applied multivariate analysis; a 10-day course offering hands-on experience with SPSS for the most frequently encountered multivariate statistical techniques. 16 August – 28 August 2021. (course code: S04)
- Modeling the dynamics of intensive longitudinal data; a 4-day course on diverse statistical techniques and their theoretical foundations for the study of dynamics in intensive longitudinal data. 16 August – 20 August 2021 (course code: S36)
- Survey research: Statistical analysis and estimation; a 5-day in-depth course on total survey error (i.e., coverage, sampling, nonresponse, and measurement error). 23 August – 27 August 2021. (course code: S16)
See all Methods and Statistics courses here.
The Utrecht Summer School also offers courses in social sciences. See the available courses here.