Responsible Open Science – Workshop on the Fundamentals of Research Data Management for Social Scientists

3 May 2021

In June, ODISSEI, CESSDA-ERIC and DANS organise a workshop on research data management for starting researchers in the social sciences. The workshop will take place on 14 and 17 June, from 10-12 hrs.

The workshop will answer questions such as: 

  • What are the benefits of documenting your research in a Data Management Plan?
  • How do you organise your data well?
  • How can you make your research reusable, even if you are working with sensitive data?

Researchers in the social sciences who wish to gain better understanding of Research Data Management, Fair Data and Open Science are welcome at this workshop. The workshop offers practical advice for developing your own Research Data Management Plan. 

Registration is possible until 4 June.

Find more information on the event page of the workshop, including the preliminary programme. 

Relevant links

Photo by Arlington Research on Unsplash