In the new E-data (June 2021), read the double interview with ODISSEI Management Board member Annette Scherpenzeel (Statistics Netherlands, CBS) and former Management Board member Ruurd Schoonhoven. In September, Scherpenzeel started as head of the CBS Microdata Services. Before his recent retirement, Schoonhoven was Senior Account Manager at that department. In this E-data, they share their vision on developments in the social sciences and the fundamental role that CBS microdata have in social science research.
In addition, this E-data includes an article on the ODISSEI project Distributed Analytics Techniques, lead by Michel Dumontier. This project develops an algorithm to analyse sensitive data at a variety of locations in a responsible way. This E-data issue also features a report of the ODISSEI Geo workshop that took place in April, and an article on research with the LISS panel, for which ODISSEI has recently opened its LISS call 2021.