Collecting ODISSEI Outputs on Zenodo

17 June 2022

The ODISSEI Community on Zenodo is now live!

Zenodo is an open repository for digital objects, developed under the European OpenAIRE program and operated by CERN. Upon upload on Zenodo, records are assigned a persistent identifier (a doi), which makes outputs more easily findable and citable. Zenodo is also flexible as it allows the upload of various types of outputs, including text documents, scripts and presentations. In addition, the Zenodo ODISSEI Community allows to collect outputs resulting from collaborations within the ODISSEI consortium (e.g. reports, presentations, technical specifications) and from presentations and events related to the ODISSEI consortium and the NWO Roadmap project. 

In accordance with the ODISSEI user policy, which outlines expectations regarding FAIR Data and Open Science practices for the users of the ODISSEI infrastructure, the Zenodo community can help us to make materials developed within ODISSEI available for others to consult and re-use. While DANS or other trustworthy digital repositories should be used to archive and publish data collected through ODISSEI, other outputs can be made available through the Zenodo community. 

We encourage you to add your ODISSEI-related outputs to the collection! We welcome research outputs (e.g. working papers, reports, scripts, presentations) of users of the ODISSEI infrastructure.  Speakers who presented at past ODISSEI events (e.g. lunch lectures, ODISSEI community conference) are also warmly invited to share their slides and make them available and reusable for our community.

To add your Zenodo record to the ODISSEI collection, simply search “ODISSEI” under the ‘Communities’ tab in the metadata records of the output you are uploading (or editing). You can add your record to multiple communities.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the ODISSEI FAIR support (

Relevant links

Photo by Corinne Kutz on Unsplash