Microdata Access Grant (MAG) Call 2023 Now Open

11 January 2023

The Microdata Access Grant call of 2023 is now open. The MAG offers funding for six CBS microdata projects for researchers working at ODISSEI member organisations. Researchers who receive the grant will be able to execute a CBS microdata project of up to €7.500, which typically covers a six month project for two researchers with access to about ten datasets. For price examples, please consult CBS’s brochure “Your research, our data“. Click the button below to download the PDF with the full guidelines.

Who can apply?

Every researcher employed by one of the ODISSEI member organisations can apply for the MAG. Early career researchers in particular are invited to submit their proposal.

When can you apply?

Applications must be submitted no later than 17 May 2023, 15:00 CE(S)T. The project needs to start in the Remote Access environment of CBS by the end of December 2023.

More information?

On 14 March 2023 ODISSEI and CBS hosted an online information session for researchers who are interested in applying for this call. You can find the recording of the event here.

In the earlier rounds of the call, between six and eight projects could be funded. On our website you can find an overview of the projects that were granted in 20202021 and 2022.

Questions about the MAG call can be directed to our Scientific Manager, dr. Kasia Karpinska, via submissions@odissei-data.nl.

Relevant links

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash