ODISSEI eScience Grants Awarded

27 February 2023

ODISSEI eScience Grants

The Netherlands eScience Center announced the awarded grants after the call of 2022 on 24 January, 2023. Out of a total of 39 grants that are spread across study disciplines, five applications got awarded an ODISSEI eScience Grant, which is intended for social scientists who want to apply digital techniques in their research and need technical support in doing so. Applicants could submit a proposal to conduct innovative computational social science research, for which they could use the expertise of Research Software Engineers (RSEs) of the Netherlands eScience Center. Each will have access to three months of in-kind support of the RSEs. They will help create the datasets, build new software that expands on the already existing one or create the algorithms to analyse complex social phenomena.   

If you want to stay informed about the next call for eScience Grants, please sign up for the ODISSEI newsletter. Those who could use help to think through if their research plans would fit an eScience Grant, or if other ways of support are available, are encouraged to contact the ODISSEI Social Data Science Team.

About the projects

Dr. G.J. Brandsma (Radboud University)
The nature of EU rules: strict and detailed, or lacking bite?
EU rules touch upon virtually all aspects of human and economic life, but little is known about their strictness. The goal of the project is to conduct a large-scale content analysis of all European directives and regulations ever adopted to determine if EU law is mostly strict and detailed or generally lacking bite. Furthermore, we will explore if this varies between issue areas, who is affected by EU law, and if it has changed over time, as little is known about EU law strictness, and currently, no research project has ever analyzed the contents of the full body of EU law.

Read more about this project here.

Prof. dr. J.M. Tybur (VU Amsterdam)
Vocalisations of Disgust across Behavioural Contexts: A Computational Analysis
The project aims to discover when and why people systematically produce disgust vocalizations by testing whether there are acoustically different kinds of disgust vocalizations associated with different contextual features.

Read more about this project here.

Prof. dr. J. Tolsma (University of Groningen)
Political Polarisation and Residential Segregation
The project aims to understand how, when and where residential segregation is related to political polarization in the Netherlands, by using geographic data at a fine granular level mapping the whole Netherlands.

Read more about this project here.

Dr. B. Hofstra (Radboud University)
From the Ivory Tower to Public or Private Power? The Role of Gender and Ethnicity in PhD-to-Labor-Market Linkages
The goal of this project is to study how gender and ethnic inequality among Dutch PhD recipients affects labor market outcomes, by using big data of nearly all Dutch PhDs from 1990-2021, as this is an issue that affects the academic labor market but also has an impact on individual scientists and the representation of talented academics.

Read more about this project here.

Prof. dr. R. van de Schoot (Utrecht University)
One-click deployment for running simulations in the cloud mimicking an AI-aided screening process
The project aims to develop a one-click-deployment option for running large-scale simulation studies in the cloud using the open-source software ASReview in order to save computation time.

Read more about this project here

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