Open Position: National Coordinator European Social Survey

24 May 2023

In 2024, preparations for the twelfth measurement of the European Social Survey (ESS) will start in the Netherlands. The ESS is a leading survey that takes place every two years with the aim of identifying and explaining attitudes to social, cultural and political issues within Europe. ESS is an important source for innovative international comparative research within the social and behavioral sciences. The organization of the ESS fieldwork in the Netherlands is overseen by ODISSEI (Open Data Infrastructure for Social Science and Economic Innovations). ODISSEI is included on the national roadmap and is responsible for appointing a new ESS National Coordinator. The National Coordinator is responsible for the smooth running of the Dutch contribution to this challenging project.

About the position

The National Coordinator is responsible for data collection, which is carried out by an external agency. In addition, the National Coordinator is responsible for the dissemination and promotion of research using ESS data. They will be the Dutch point of contact for ESS and are expected to participate in (inter)national meetings in the context of ESS.

Experience from previous rounds shows that the time investment is 6 to 9 months intensive. The national coordinator has the opportunity to delegate activities within their staff, but remains personally responsible for the execution of the survey in the Netherlands. It is therefore important that the National Coordinator is available from January 2024. More information on the profile of the National Coordinator can be found in the central ESS specifications (particularly page 10) but feel free to contact the Deputy Director of ODISSEI, Tom Emery ( for any further questions.

The implementation of the European Social Survey in the Netherlands is financed by ODISSEI. For the activities of the National Coordinator, a maximum lump sum payment of € 90,000 is available per fieldwork round (2 years). This includes the budget for foreign travel, which is estimated at € 3,200. No further costs will be reimbursed beyond this lump sum payment. Payment will be made in annual installments: at the start in the autumn and upon delivery of the data and documentation (planned after 18 months lead time).

Application Procedure

If you would like to participate in the application process for National Coordinator of ESS, please send the following:

  • a concise CV with an appended list of publications containing only an overview of 1) a maximum of ten English-language publications 2) a maximum of five publications based on ESS data.
  • An explanation of no more than one side of A4 why you (and possibly your team) are suitable to fulfill this role,
  • an explanation of no more than one A4 of your ideas for disseminating and promoting ESS in NL.

We would like to receive these documents no later than Friday, June 23, 2023. You can send your application to the ODISSEI Data Collection Committee, to the following e-mail address: The ODISSEI Data Collection committee will then select the most suitable candidates and schedule interviews with them in early July. The selection criteria that will be used are:

  • 1. fluent in spoken and written English and Dutch
  • 2. practical experience with survey methodology and procedures
  • 3. a person of standing within the social science community of their country
  • 4. experience with ESS data
  • 5. knowledgeable about past national or sub-national studies of a similar nature and, ideally, with experience in cross-national research
  • 6. Availability

A decision will be taken in July 2023 about the National Coordinator to be appointed.
For further information, please contact Tom Emery:

Photo by ODISSEI on Unsplash