An Afternoon with ODISSEI
On Thursday 7 March 2019, ODISSEI participant University of Groningen organizes an introductory meeting to ODISSEI. During this afternoon four speakers will highlight different aspects of the network, its developments and the possibilities it offers for researcher.
Pearl Dykstra, ODISSEI’s scientific director, will introduce ODISSEI. Ruurd Schoonhoven of Statistics Netherlands (CBS) will share the possibilities for (accessing) large-scale, longitudinal data collections, CBS micro data and the ODISSEI data facility. Marcel Das, the director of CentERdata will with his introduction to the LISS panel give a first practical example of the possibilities of ODISSEI. Finally, Eveline de Zeeuw will give another practical example of ODISSEI possibilities by explaining her work for the Netherlands Twin Register. After learning more about ODISSEI there is ample opportunity to reflect on and discuss its possibilities over drinks.
The event is organized by Anneke Timmermans and Jacob Jolij of the Faculty of Behaviour and Social Sciences of the University of Groningen. Researcher from outside the Faculty of Behaviour and Social Sciences and the University of Groningen are welcome to join the event.
The event starts at 15:00 (walk-in at 14:45) and takes place at the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences at the University of Groningen. The main language is English. Participation is free of charge.
- 14:45 Walk in with coffee and tea
- 15:00 Welcome by Kees Aarts, dean of the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, University of Groningen
- 15:05 Introduction to ODISSEI by Pearl Dykstra, scientific ODISSEI director
- 15:35 Large scale, longitudinal data collection, CBS micro data and ODISSEI data facility by Ruurd Schoonhoven, CBS.
- 16:05 Break
- 16:15 Practical example 1: LISS panel, Marcel Das, director of CentERdata
- 16:45 Practical example 2: Netherlands Twin Register, Eveline de Zeeuw
- 17:15 Closing networking drinks
Snijderzaal (M.0061) / Munting building, Grote Kruisstraat 2/1, 9712 TS Groningen
Saskia Cluistra at