ODISSEI funds corona research in the LISS panel

8 April 2020

ODISSEI has awarded time on the LISS panel for corona-related research into home-schooling (Dr. Thijs Bol, UvA) and the distribution of care responsibilities (Dr. Mara A. Yerkes, UU).

The awards were granted after ODISSEI launched an urgent response call on 13th March. There were 43 submissions received and an international group of reviewers evaluated the proposals within 10 days and ensured that the researchers could begin implementing their proposed items as soon as possible.

Bol is examining the effects of home-schooling on social inequality and long-term educational outcomes: “The coronavirus outbreak has led to unprecedented measures in education. Since 16 March, all schools in the Netherlands have been closed and children have to keep track of their schoolwork from home. Parents are expected to play an important role in this ‘home education’: they must ensure that their children continue to follow the curriculum. In this project we investigate (a) how different parents deal with this home education and (b) what the consequences of the closure of the schools will be on the educational results of children in the short and long term.

Yerkes is studying gender inequality and care responsibilities during the lockdown: “Seen from a gender perspective, the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent far-reaching measures taken by governments to curb its impact have the potential to increase existing inequalities between working men and women. However, they also have the potential to reduce existing inequalities. This project investigates how women and men in two-income households differ in (their experience of) paid work, caring tasks and work-care combinations in times of the Covid-19 pandemic”.

The panel is currently conducting a lot of corona related research and the data will be published as soon as possible. ODISSEI is constantly looking at how it can best support the social science community at this time.

Therefore keep an eye on the LISS data archive and the ODISSEI newsletter.