PDI-SSH 2021 Call Digital Infrastructure

28 April 2021

The Platform Digital Infrastructure for Social Sciences & Humanities (PDI-SSH) launched its 2021 Call for Digital Infrastructure. The SSH Sector Plan of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) has made resources available to further improve the digital infrastructure facilities within the SSH domain. 

Digital infrastructure facilities funded in this Call should serve both the social sciences and the humanities. Researchers can apply to strengthen or to scale up existing initiatives, or to launch new initiatives. Funded projects will be eligible for structural financing after the completion of the Sector Plan, conditional on positive evaluation. A total of 6,5 million euros is available in this round, each project can apply for up to 1 million euros. The deadline for this call is 30 June 2021, 23.59 CE(S)T. This is the second and final round of PDI-SSH funding.

Applicants are encouraged to collaborate with existing infrastructures (ODISSEI, CLARIAH or Health-RI) to strengthen the impact of their project and to ensure the sustainability of the project after its completion. 

The PDI-SSH organises an information event about the Call procedure and about potential alignment with the above-mentioned infrastructures. This event will take place on 11 May 2021 from 16.00-17.15 hrs. More information and the registration form for the event can be found here.

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Photo by Andrew Kow on Unsplash.