Microdata Information Event

8 February 2022


Would you like more information on the possibilities of working with CBS microdata? On Tuesday, 5 April 2022 from 14:00 to 16:00, ODISSEI is organising a Microdata Information Event, where you can also find out more about using CBS Microdata. During this event, a variety of speakers will give an introduction to researchers who want to work with microdata, both those who are considering applying for the Microdata Access Grant and those who do not wish to apply now, but who want to hear more about working with CBS microdata. Each presentation will be followed by a Q&A session. Questions about the grant application procedure can be posed in the general Q&A at the end of the programme.

Find more information about using CBS microdata and the 2022 Microdata Access Grant (MAG) call on the Microdata Access webpage.

During this kickoff event, a variety of speakers will give an introduction to researchers who want to work with CBS microdata and consider applying for the Microdata Access Grant. The event is also open to researchers who do not wish to apply now, but who want to hear more about working with CBS microdata. Each presentation will be followed by a Q&A session. Questions about the grant application procedure can be posed in the general Q&A at the end of the programme.

You can join by clicking on the button below.

The programme of the event will be as followed:

14.00-14.05: Microdata Access Grant introduction –  Kasia Karpinska (ODISSEI Scientific Manager). 
14.05-14.30: Conducting research with CBS microdata collection – Vincent van Hees (CBS Account Manager)

In this presentation, Vincent van Hees will give an introduction to the CBS microdata, present the catalogue and available datasets, and the options of combining the microdata with survey data. Finally, the official procedures to work with microdata will be discussed.
14.30-14.55 ODISSEI Portal – Tom Emery (ODISSEI Deputy Director)

In this presentation Tom Emery will demonstrate the prototype of the ODISSEI Portal, a tool that will allow for an effective search of the metadata (both for microdata and survey data). The presentation will include a few examples of the search functionality, and the registered participants will be offered an opportunity to test the environment and assess its use in their own research.
14.55-15.25: MAG project: Breaking the barrier? The effects of the National Program Rotterdam South on educational mobility- Gijs Custers (Researcher, Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Educational mobility in the Netherlands has generally increased in the post-WWII period, but advancing equality of educational opportunity in poor urban areas remains a serious challenge. Large cities are spatially segregated along ethnic and socioeconomic lines, which can exacerbate educational inequalities. The National Program Rotterdam South is a major social policy program that aims to improve educational performances in this urban area. The ‘educational pillar’ of the program explicitly aims to improve the educational outcomes of children from lower class backgrounds.
However, systematic research on whether children from disadvantaged families profit from this policy is lacking. This research project will therefore investigate to which extent educational mobility has increased in Rotterdam South. It will focus on general changes in the relation between the parents’ educational level and the children’s school level and on the impact of the program on educational outcomes.
15.25-15.40: Boost your microdata project with ODISSEI facilities – Kasia Karpinska (ODISSEI Scientific Manager). 

This presentation will focus on ODISSEI facilities that can further benefit a microdata project. The possibilities of executing the project in ODISSEI Secure Supercomputer (OSSC) or enlisting support by Social Data Analytics Team (SoDa) in solving analytical problems inherent to working with complex administrative data will be discussed. Finally, Kasia Karpinska will discuss the Microdata Access Grant application procedure.
15.40: General Q&A on the Microdata Access Grant application procedure and using CBS microdata

Questions about the event can be asked via communications@odissei-data.nl.

If you have any further questions concerning the MAG call can be directed to our Scientific Manager, dr. Kasia Karpinska, via submissions@odissei-data.nl.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash