Social Science and Humanities Open Cloud for the Netherlands (SSHOC-NL) is a collaborative effort between ODISSEI (Open Data Infrastructure for Social Science and Economic Innovations) and CLARIAH (Common Lab Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities) to develop cutting-edge infrastructure for social science and humanities research. This initiative aims to open new research avenues of societal importance within these diverse fields.

Addressing the unique infrastructural needs of the social sciences and humanities (SSH), such as secure analytical environments for sensitive data, SSHOC-NL focuses on creating interoperable digital infrastructure. This allows researchers to securely link and analyse a wide range of data, including historical records, textual data, images, surveys, and social media, addressing critical societal issues like polarisation, social inequalities, and environmental changes.

Funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) Large-scale Research Infrastructure Grant, SSHOC-NL seeks to enable groundbreaking interdisciplinary research on pressing societal questions, including climate change and political polarisation. By improving the technological and stakeholder readiness levels of existing services, data, and tools, SSHOC-NL ensures they are mature, stable, and widely accessible to the research community.

The project is executed from 2024 to 2028 by 16 partners under NWO grant number 184.036.020

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Picture – ©Conny Schneider