Research support

ODISSEI aims to equip social scientists with access to the data, tools and expertise that allow researchers to push the boundaries of social scientific research. The interoperability of various facilities made available through ODISSEI makes it possible to use them independently but also in conjunction, leveraging the impact of the research being executed with the support of the infrastructure.

ODISSEI offers research support for its member organisations, which helps to identify new opportunities for impact and to conduct cutting-edge research through the use of the infrastructure. Explore the research support opportunities below.

  • ODISSEI FAIR support
    The ODISSEI FAIR support team is at hand to help you with questions about RDM, Open Science and FAIR data and software.
  • Grant application support
    ODISSEI offers grant application support for highly competitive grants such as NWO Veni, Vidi and Vici programme.
  • ODISSEI Knowledge Hub
    The ODISSEI Knowledge Hub collects all the outputs such as publications, presentations and code which have resulted from the work and projects run through the ODISSEI facilities.
  • ASReview
    ODISSEI SoDa team collaborates with ASReview to support researchers by offering services to optimize their use of ASReview LAB.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash