ODISSEI Storage Facility within the CBS Remote Environment

Projects utilising microdata sometimes result in large files that are of interest to other projects. However, this costs researchers a significant fee to store the project, limiting the reuse potential of such files. Using the ODISSEI Storage Facility, researchers at ODISSEI member organisations can store large files for free.

Requests can be submitted to the ODISSEI Scientific Manager, Kasia Karpinska, who will evaluate the scientific justification for the ODISSEI community and consult CBS on the alignment of the request with the CBS rules and regulations (such as (e.g. purpose limitation, data minimalisation).

Please note, that datasets to be included in the ODISSEI storage facility should be made up of only CBS microdata (no uploads from external data).

Upon acceptance, CBS will move the files into ‘storage’. ODISSEI will maintain a list of data files with the metadata stored in the ODISSEI Portal. Researchers at ODISSEI member organisations can then request access to these files in their own RA projects (which is free of charge). Projects intending to use these datasets need to have access to the original CBS microdata datasets from which the (data set is derived) in their project. If not, access should be requested (the usual fee for accessing the data applies). The capacity of this facility in the first year will be 20 Terabytes. This will be operational from July 2024 and be reviewed at the end of 2024.