Author: doser

  • First Aid for Data Questions: how SoDa can help develop web scrapers and AI models

    First Aid for Data Questions: how SoDa can help develop web scrapers and AI models



    Scholars are often aware that there are new ways to collect and analyse data with innovative methods, but it is not always clear what the actual options are or how new techniques can be developed along the way. Social psychologist Eftychia Stamkou approached the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team to discuss if and how…

  • ODISSEI Grant Application Support information session

    ODISSEI Grant Application Support information session



    On December 15, 12.00-13.00 ODISSEI is organizing an information session on how the national infrastructure can support researchers in their upcoming ERC or NWO funding application. Facilities that ODISSEI and its partners offer, can help elevate grant proposals and offer a comparative advantage in the application process. During this session, dr. Kasia Karpinska, ODISSEI Scientific…

  • Looking back on the ODISSEI Conference 2022

    Looking back on the ODISSEI Conference 2022



    On 3 November, the ODISSEI Conference for Social Science in the Netherlands 2022 took place. The conference, which welcomed over 300 participants, was the perfect platform for anyone interested in computational social sciences to learn, share and network. The event took place in the Media Plaza of the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. Participants from the entire…

  • Looking back on the ODISSEI Conference 2022

    Looking back on the ODISSEI Conference 2022



    On 3 November, the ODISSEI Conference for Social Science in the Netherlands 2022 took place. The conference, which welcomed over 300 participants, was the perfect platform for anyone interested in computational social sciences to learn, share and network. The event took place in the Media Plaza of the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. Participants from the entire…

  • I love PIDs – and so should you!

    I love PIDs – and so should you!

    By Ricarda Braukmann (DANS & ODISSEI FAIR Support team) Imagine you are reading an interesting article online and the article refers to a paper that was written a few years ago that sounds very relevant for your current work. Wanting to know more, you click on the link to the paper, only to see “404…

  • ODISSEI presents: Harmonising Access Procedures for Sensitive data at the FAIR Data Day

    ODISSEI presents: Harmonising Access Procedures for Sensitive data at the FAIR Data Day



    By the ODISSEI Portal Team On Tuesday 29th of november the FAIR Data Day will take place in Utrecht. The topic of the day will be “Reusing data to advance science”. In light of this topic, the ODISSEI portal team submitted a session on “Harmonising Access Procedures for Sensitive Data”.  During this session, we want…

  • Social Data Science Traineeship (SoDa Traineeship)

    Social Data Science Traineeship (SoDa Traineeship)



    The ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team offers SoDa traineeships for early career social scientists (i.e., PhD candidates, early career postdocs, pre-PhD researchers who have finished their studies). Successful SoDa trainees will spend between 3-8 months full-time working on a social science research project they propose. During this time, they are members of the SoDa…

  • Meet ODISSEI: watch our introductory video

    Meet ODISSEI: watch our introductory video



    ODISSEI is the Dutch national infrastructure for social sciences. With more than 40 member organisations, and an ever increasing number of users, ODISSEI brings together researchers with the necessary data, expertise and resources to conduct ground-breaking research and embrace the computational turn in social enquiry. To introduce ODISSEI to a wider public, a video highlighting…

  • CBS – ODISSEI Microdata Meeting – Woonbase: Who lives where with whom?

    CBS – ODISSEI Microdata Meeting – Woonbase: Who lives where with whom?



    On November 15 from 13.00 to 14.00 hours, dr. Corina Huisman (Statistics Netherlands, CBS) will present Woonbase, a new database made available by CBS. “Who lives where and with whom?” is a central question in research on the housing market. Together with the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Statistics Netherlands developed a database…

  • ODISSEI at the National Open Science Festival

    ODISSEI at the National Open Science Festival



    On 1 September, the National Open Science Festival took place at the VU Amsterdam. Hundreds of people involved in the development and implementation of Open Science research practices gathered to exchange ideas, knowledge and best practices. ODISSEI was represented in various parts of the programme, including presentations during multiple sessions, participation of our Scientific Director…