Category: Events
Call for SICSS-ODISSEI Summer School 2024 applications is open
From 17 to 28 June 2024, ODISSEI is hosting its third summer school at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, as part of the Summer Institutes in Computational Social Science (SICSS) and the Erasmus Graduate School for Social Sciences and Humanities (EGSH). With the summer school, ODISSEI aims to bring together PhD students, post-docs and early career…
ODISSEI Conference for Social Science in the Netherlands 2023
The ODISSEI Conference for Social Science in the Netherlands seeks to bring together a community of computational social scientists to discuss data, methods, infrastructure, ethics, and theoretical work related to digital and computational approaches in social science research. ODISSEI, the research infrastructure for social science in the Netherlands, connects researchers with the necessary data, expertise, and…
ODISSEI LECTURE: How predictable are fertility outcomes? Introducing the PreFer data challenge and its potential for fertility research
On Tuesday 12 December between 14-15 hrs, Gert Stulp, an associate professor at the department of Sociology at the University of Groningen, will present Predicting Fertility data challenge (PreFer) that will focus on fertility outcomes – whether people have children – using two unique datasets: the LISS panel, a Dutch longitudinal survey, and Dutch population…
ODISSEI LECTURE: Using Sequences of Life-events to Predict Human Lives.
On Tuesday 26 September between 14-15 hrs, Germans Savcisens, Ph.D. fellow at the Technical University of Denmark (Section for Cognitive Systems), a member of the Social Complexity Lab and Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science at the University of Copenhagen, will give an online lecture on Using Sequences of Life-events to Predict Human Lives. We warmly invite you to…