Category: FAIR Blog

  • A short practical guide for preparing and sharing your analysis code

    A short practical guide for preparing and sharing your analysis code

    With the increasing popularity of open science practices, it is now more and more common to openly share data processing and analysis code along with more traditional scientific objects such as papers. There are many benefits to doing so: it makes your work more easily verifiable, reproducible, and reusable. But what are the best ways…

  • Data Support Needs in the ODISSEI Community

    Data Support Needs in the ODISSEI Community

    The number of data support staff members in Dutch academic institutions is growing. Professionals such as data stewards, data managers, and data officers, support researchers throughout the research cycle, providing the necessary expertise to implement FAIR principles and sound Research Data Management (RDM) practices. Since the responsibilities of these professionals become more and more crucial…

  • Collecting ODISSEI Outputs on Zenodo

    Collecting ODISSEI Outputs on Zenodo

    The ODISSEI Community on Zenodo is now live! Zenodo is an open repository for digital objects, developed under the European OpenAIRE program and operated by CERN. Upon upload on Zenodo, records are assigned a persistent identifier (a doi), which makes outputs more easily findable and citable. Zenodo is also flexible as it allows the upload…