Category: ODISSEI Insights
Computational Social Science: Ethics and Conceptual Transparency
The way researchers define and operationalize key terms such as fairness, bias, and privacy doesn’t just affect research outcomes—it fundamentally shapes the societal impacts of CSS, making this ethical consideration critical.
Benchmarking in Social Science: The Case of the Data Challenge for Predicting Fertility in the Netherlands (PreFer)
Fertility outcomes, or the number and timing of children, influence numerous aspects of individual lives and the development of societies. While researchers have extensively studied how specific factors – such as age, socioeconomic status, or network characteristics – affect fertility, relatively little attention has been paid to the predictability of fertility outcomes. How accurately can…
Data donation research in practice: How are Students Using Generative AI for Their Studies?
This blog post describes a study led by Dr. Karin van Es and Dr. Dennis Nguyen at Utrecht University, which investigates how students are using generative AI tools like ChatGPT for academic purposes. A key innovation in this study is the use of data donation—a method where students voluntarily share their ChatGPT conversation data. Using…
How do the Data Governance Act and the Data Act shape the future of secure research in the SSH Domain?
As a part of the European data strategy, there are two laws that will have a significant impact on society: the Data Governance Act and the Data Act. The precise implications for social science and humanities research are yet unclear. In this article, Marlon Domingus (EUR Data Protection Officer) and Lucas van der Meer (CTO…
Pilot with a Trusted Third Party procedure in the ODISSEI Secure Supercomputer (OSSC)
Together with SURF and CBS, ODISSEI reached a milestone by re-establishing the legal framework for operating the ODISSEI Secure Supercomputer (OSSC). In the OSSC, researchers can perform analyses of extremely sensitive CBS microdata by using SURF’s high-performance computing environment Snellius. The legal framework now includes a Trusted Third Party (TTP) procedure that opens up more…