Category: News
Economic opportunities are associated with the neighborhood where people grew up
A new interactive website developed by economist Bastian Ravesteijn (Erasmus School of Economics) and his research team shows stark differences in economic opportunities depending on the area in the Netherlands where people spend their childhood. Using pseudonymized Dutch data on a million people in their mid-thirties, they investigate to what extent the place where a…
CBS Microdata Webinar, 12 November
On November 12th, CBS is organizing a microdata webinar, with the theme ‘inequality.’ This event offers scientists the opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience about working with CBS microdata.
ODISSEI Secure Supercomputer Launched
In October, the ODISSEI Secure Supercomputer (OSSC) was officially launched. After the execution of many tests and security checks, the OSSC is now ready for use.
ODISSEI Community Conference 2020
Programme ODISSEI is pleased to invite you to the digital ODISSEI Community Conference 2020. The conference will take place online on Tuesday, 24 November from 14:00 hours via the Veertly conferencing platform. The afternoon showcases opportunities ODISSEI offers, including presentations on projects it supports. The conference will close with a panel discussion on the role of data…
Online NPSO seminar ‘GDPR and ethics in survey research’
On 29 October 2020, the Dutch Platform for Survey Research (NPSO) organizes a seminar about the GDPR and ethics in survey research. The new privacy law has influenced the way survey research has to be conducted. Now that the law has been fully implemented for two years, this seminar reflects on its introduction and investigates…
Ana Petrović Receives PhD Cum Laude
On September 15 Ana Petrović (TU Delft) successfully defended her PhD thesis ‘Multiscale spatial contexts and neighbourhood effects’. She received her PhD Cum Laude. Next to completing her PhD, Petrović was one of the first research who has used the ODISSEI Secure Supercomputer (OSSC). Her OSSC project, which she did in collaboration with her supervisors…
E-data & Research October 2020
In October, the new edition of E-data & Research has been published. This edition features articles about the consequences of COVID-19 for research in the social sciences and humanities. It highlights a number of research projects on the corona crisis that have already been executed. This E-data furthermore includes an interview with Claes de Vreese,…
Calls for Young Researchers: NKO & eScience Center
This month, two calls opened specifically for young researchers. The Nationaal Kiezersonderzoek (NKO) offers free space for the addition of questions to the panel and the Netherlands eScience Center offers an award of €50.000 for a novel research idea.
Meet Our New ODISSEI Employees
In September three new ODISSEI employees have started at our partner organisations. Both the ODISSEI Social Data Analytics Team (OSDAT) at Utrecht University as well as the Portal Team at VU Amsterdam have expanded their teams.
ODISSEI Community Conference: November 24
On the afternoon of Tuesday, November 24, the ODISSEI Community Conference will take place virtually. In June, ODISSEI received Roadmap funding from NWO with which the project has officially started. At the Community Conference, ODISSEI users will share their research and experience. Additionally, several ODISSEI leading researchers will share their vision on the role of ODISSEI…