Category: News

  • Utilizing a natural experiment to investigate the effect of educational failure on mental health

    Utilizing a natural experiment to investigate the effect of educational failure on mental health



    This project was co-financed by ODISSEI in the 2019 MAG call for proposals.Researcher: Perline Demange, MSc (VU Amsterdam) Educational failure, such as grade retention, drop-down or drop-out, has been associated with poor mental health in children and adults. This association could be due to a causal effect of educational failure, but it is also likely…

  • Mergers and market power

    Mergers and market power



    This project was co-financed by ODISSEI in the 2019 MAG call for proposals.Researcher: Leonard Treuren, University of Amsterdam Empirical research has documented the increase of market power in recent decades: firms are increasingly able to price above their costs. In the 1980s, firms charged prices that were on average 21% above incremental costs (De Loecker,…

  • Determinants of Civic versus Economic Outcomes of Dutch Secondary Education

    Determinants of Civic versus Economic Outcomes of Dutch Secondary Education



    This project was co-financed by ODISSEI in the 2019 MAG call for proposals.Researcher: Hester Ina Mennes, University of Amsterdam Education fulfils a vital role in preparing generations for the future. This involves an economic and a civic task: to provide youngsters labour market qualification, and to prepare them for participation in society and democracy. Determinants…

  • ODISSEI funds corona research in the LISS panel

    ODISSEI funds corona research in the LISS panel



    ODISSEI has awarded time on the LISS panel for corona-related research into home-schooling (Dr. Thijs Bol, UvA) and the distribution of care responsibilities (Dr. Mara A. Yerkes, UU). The awards were granted after ODISSEI launched an urgent response call on 13th March. There were 43 submissions received and an international group of reviewers evaluated the…

  • Gender inequalities in times of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Gender inequalities in times of the COVID-19 pandemic



    This project was co-financed by ODISSEI in the extra LISS Corona call for proposals in March 2020.Project leader: Dr. Mara A. Yerkes, Utrecht University Seen from a gender lens, the COVID-19 pandemic and far-reaching measures taken by governments to reduce its impact have the potential to magnify existing inequalities between working men and women. However,…

  • Mapping the short- and long-term effects of homeschooling during the coronacrisis on social inequality in educational outcomes

    Mapping the short- and long-term effects of homeschooling during the coronacrisis on social inequality in educational outcomes



    This project was co-financed by ODISSEI in the extra LISS Corona call for proposals in March 2020.Researcher: Thijs Bol, University of Amsterdam From March 16, a school shutdown is effective in the Netherlands, and most children must keep up with their schoolwork from home. In this period, parents are expected  to provide homeschooling for their children, and…

  • Dutch computing power in the battle against corona

    Dutch computing power in the battle against corona



    All over the world people are joining forces in the hope of quickly developing a vaccine for the corona virus and a cure for COVID-19. ODISSEI partner SURF is contributing to this by giving researchers accelerated access to high-quality computing facilities and data services. SURF also supports numerous other research initiatives. Recently, tech giants such…

  • Call for proposals: CBS microdata access

    Call for proposals: CBS microdata access



    The ODISSEI Microdata Access Grant (MAG) provides researchers working at an ODISSEI member organisation with free access to CBS Microdata. The 2020 round was launched. Novice researchers are particularly  encouraged to submit a proposal. The available budget allows for granting free CBS Microdata access to eight projects (a 50% increase compared to last year). The budget…

  • Extra Corona call for the LISS panel

    Extra Corona call for the LISS panel



    ODISSEI is launching an extra call for free data collection in the LISS panel, specifically aimed at questions associated with the corona virus. The LISS panel, administered by CentERdata, consists of about 4,500 households, comprising of about 7,000 individuals. It is based on a true probability sample of households drawn from the population register by…

  • Cancelled: CBS microdata user meeting

    Cancelled: CBS microdata user meeting



    This meeting has been cancelled. ==== On Thursday 14 May, Statistics Netherlands organises a meeting for researchers who (wish to) make use of CBS microdata. The overarching theme of the meeting is ‘Inequality’. Speakers from CBS and the research community will give presentations in the field of work and income, education and health. The meeting…