Category: News

  • 15 July: Network meeting at IC2S2

    15 July: Network meeting at IC2S2



    ODISSEI sponsors scientific speed date The 5th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2) will be held in Amsterdam from 17 to 20 July 2019. ODISSEI is a sponsor of IC2S2 and will be hosting a ‘scientific speed date’ during Warm-Up on 15 July. Register now and get acquainted with researchers from this emerging field.…

  • Report Introductory meeting CBS Microdata

    Report Introductory meeting CBS Microdata



    MAG call launched On Tuesday 19 February, an introductory meeting on the use of CBS Microdata was held at Statistics Netherlands (CBS) in The Hague. At the same meeting, the MAG call was launched to allow researchers free access to the CBS Microdata. The afternoon was kicked off by ODISSEI project manager Lucas van der…

  • Role: National Coordinator European Social Survey

    Role: National Coordinator European Social Survey



    2020 will see the start of the tenth measurement of the European Social Survey (ESS) in the Netherlands. The ESS is a leading biennial survey aimed at identifying and explaining views on social, cultural and political issues in Europe. With effect from Round 10 (2020-2021), the ESS fieldwork in the Netherlands will be organised by…

  • Call for SHARE User Workshop

    Call for SHARE User Workshop



    On Thursday 16 May 2019, SHARE Netherlands, member of the ODISSEI network, organizes a user workshop together with SHARE Germany. This workshop will include scientific presentations and practical sessions on how to get more out of the SHARE data. At the event, you can also learn about the new possibilities for data linkage with CBS…

  • 7 Mar: RUG presents ODISSEI

    7 Mar: RUG presents ODISSEI



    An Afternoon with ODISSEI On Thursday 7 March 2019, ODISSEI participant University of Groningen organizes an introductory meeting to ODISSEI. During this afternoon four speakers will highlight different aspects of the network, its developments and the possibilities it offers for researcher. Pearl Dykstra, ODISSEI’s scientific director, will introduce ODISSEI. Ruurd Schoonhoven of Statistics Netherlands (CBS)…

  • 19 Feb: Introduction meeting to CBS Microdata and launch of call

    19 Feb: Introduction meeting to CBS Microdata and launch of call



    On Tuesday 19 February 2019, an introductory meeting on using CBS Microdata will be held, aimed at novice researchers. Microdata are data on a personal, company or address level that can be connected and can be particularly valuable to statistical researchers. Under strict conditions, CBS allows researchers to conduct their own research using CBS Microdata.…

  • New call for free access to CBS Microdata (MAG)

    New call for free access to CBS Microdata (MAG)



    As from the pilot year 2019, the ODISSEI Microdata Access Grant (MAG) will annually provide five researchers working at an ODISSEI participant with free access to CBS Microdata. Novice researchers in particular are invited to submit their MAG proposals. The grant applies to projects carried out by ODISSEI participants within their own research program, as…

  • New participants: TU Delft en Nivel

    New participants: TU Delft en Nivel



    ODISSEI gladly welcomes two new participants: Nivel (Netherlands institute for health services research) and the TU Delft faculty of Architecture, who will both join per 1 January 2019. We look forward to a pleasant cooperation!

  • LISS-call closed

    LISS-call closed



    Thanks to a new call, researchers at one of the ODISSEI participants could apply for free data collection through the LISS panel. This panel, managed by CentERdata, consists of some 7,000 individuals from approximately 4,500 households. With 31 submissions the interest for the call was great. In the coming months the evaluation committee will decide…

  • Blog Statistic Netherlands on ODF

    Blog Statistic Netherlands on ODF



    Statistics Netherlands (CBS) published a blog on the ODISSEI Data Facility (ODF). In this blog the institute introduces ODISSEI and explains their role in the development of the data infrastructure for the social sciences. The blog can be found here (in Dutch only).