Category: News

  • ODISSEI Social Data Science fellowship (SoDa fellowship)

    ODISSEI Social Data Science fellowship (SoDa fellowship)



    The ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team offers SoDa fellowships for early career social scientists (i.e., PhD candidates, early career postdocs, pre-PhD researchers who have finished their studies). Successful SoDa fellows will spend between 3-5 months full-time working on a social science research project they propose. During this time, they are members of the SoDa…

  • Six projects awarded Microdata Access Grant (MAG) 2023

    Six projects awarded Microdata Access Grant (MAG) 2023



    The Microdata Access Grant offers financing of research projects using CBS microdata. In the 2023 round of the Call for Proposals for the Microdata Access Grant we have received 22 applications. The reviewers in this round were:Pieter Bakx (EUR), Maja Djundeva (SCP), Kim Fairley (RU), Eva Jaspers (UU), Joop Oude Groeninger (EUR).  The following projects…

  • Deadline Extended: Country Team Lead – Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe

    Deadline Extended: Country Team Lead – Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe



    SHARE, the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, is a research infrastructure for studying the effects of health, social, economic and environmental policies over the life-course of European citizens and beyond. SHARE is the largest social science panel study and has set new standards in research and scientific data collection. It has global…

  • SoDa Team Workshop: Causal Impact Assessment

    SoDa Team Workshop: Causal Impact Assessment



    In May 2023, the ODISSEI Social Data Science Team (SoDa) has hosted a workshop on causal impact assessment at Utrecht University. The workshop was led by Erik-Jan van Kesteren and Oisín Ryan (SoDa / Utrecht University). The workshop materials are now available online. What is causal impact assessment? How do we assess whether a school…

  • Open Position: National Coordinator European Social Survey

    Open Position: National Coordinator European Social Survey



    In 2024, preparations for the twelfth measurement of the European Social Survey (ESS) will start in the Netherlands. The ESS is a leading survey that takes place every two years with the aim of identifying and explaining attitudes to social, cultural and political issues within Europe. ESS is an important source for innovative international comparative…

  • New version of the ODISSEI Portal – More data to find and improved search

    New version of the ODISSEI Portal – More data to find and improved search



    Written by the ODISSEI Portal Team We are happy to present a new version of the ODISSEI Portal. With a first prototype launched in September 2022, the Portal combines metadata from a wide variety of research data repositories into a single interface, allowing for advanced queries to support findability, and facilitate data access to social…

  • Call for Papers: ODISSEI Conference for Social Science in the Netherlands 2023

    Call for Papers: ODISSEI Conference for Social Science in the Netherlands 2023



    ODISSEI welcomes proposals for presentations on computational social science to be given at its conference on 2 November 2023 in Utrecht. ODISSEI, the research infrastructure for social science in the Netherlands, connects researchers with the necessary data, expertise and resources to conduct ground-breaking research and embrace the computational turn in social enquiry. This conference seeks…

  • First Aid for Data Questions: How the SoDa team empowers interdisciplinary scientists with computational methods

    First Aid for Data Questions: How the SoDa team empowers interdisciplinary scientists with computational methods



    Can machine learning and computational text analysis help us make sense of vast numbers of documents, such as development project evaluation files dating back to the 1970s? This is a question that Dr. Ruth Carlitz, assistant professor of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam, seeks to answer in her research on how politics conditions…

  • LISS panel Call information session

    LISS panel Call information session



    On 25 May, from 14:00-15:00, ODISSEI and Centerdata organize an online information event for the LISS panel Grant call that opens up this spring. During this session, Joris Mulder (Centerdata, Senior survey researcher and LISS panel Coordinator) will describe the LISS panel and the types of studies and methodological innovations that are possible in the…

  • ODISSEI Grant Application Support information session

    ODISSEI Grant Application Support information session



    On 9 May, from 11:00-12:00, ODISSEI is organizing an information session on how the national infrastructure can support researchers in their upcoming ERC or NWO funding application. Facilities that ODISSEI and its partners offer, can help elevate grant proposals and offer a comparative advantage in the application process. During this session, dr. Kasia Karpinska, ODISSEI…