Category: News

  • Pearl Dykstra in Tokyo

    Pearl Dykstra in Tokyo



    On the 6-7th November 2018 in Tokyo, Japan, the International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA) hosted its 3rd biennial conference on International Science Advice to Government. During this event, ODISSEI’s scientific director Pearl Dykstra gave a presentation on ODISSEI. Dykstra was appointed to the European Commission’s Group of Chief Scientific Advisors in 2015. This…

  • Speech Pearl Dykstra on Open Access

    Speech Pearl Dykstra on Open Access



    Earlier this month, the Erasmus University Rotterdam held an event on Open Access – The Business of Scholarship. That afternoon, Pearl Dykstra, scientific director of ODISSEI, gave a keynote. In her keynote, Dykstra emphasised the importance of free access to publications, including data. Her speech can be downloaded here.

  • A genome-wide association study of health care costs
  • Analysing social network of the Netherlands
  • Effects of spatial contextual characteristics on personal income
  • Call Collect data in the LISS panel

    Call Collect data in the LISS panel



    ODISSEI has opened a Call for Proposals for ODISSEI participants to be able to collect data using the LISS panel. The LISS panel consists of about 4,500 households, comprising of about 7,000 individuals.  There is budget available for five projects with each a net response of 2,500 respondents and 15 minutes of panel time, which implies…

  • Continuation Microdata Regulation 2018

    Continuation Microdata Regulation 2018



    In the fourth quarter of 2017, as a pilot ODISSEI made a remuneration available to its participants that made use of CBS microdata during that quarter. ODISSEI participants received a discount of 50% on the costs for projects executed via CBS’s remote access facility. The Regulation is designed for research projects funded by first or…

  • ASDI call open

    ASDI call open



    Accelerating Scientific Discovery (Netherlands eScience Center) Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC) invites researchers working in the domains of Environment & Sustainability and Humanities & Social Sciences to apply for funding and support to address compute-intensive and/or data-driven problems within their research. More information on this call can be found here.

  • Presentations workshop Linkage of Data online

    Presentations workshop Linkage of Data online



    Thursday 26 October, the workshop Linkage of Data was held in Utrecht, organized by ODISSEI and Statistics Netherlands (CBS). During this workshop over sixty participants shared their experiences on the topic of data linkage. The presentations that were given during the workshop can be downloaded here: Egon Gerards (CBS) Combining microdata: the art of matching and…

  • Pearl Dykstra’s session on Synergy Conference

    Pearl Dykstra’s session on Synergy Conference



    With pleasure the Board of the NWO Domain Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) invites researchers and others interested for its first Synergy Conference: ‘Creating common ground for the social sciences and humanities’ on 16 November 2017 in Utrecht, the Netherlands. One of the parallel sessions will be given by ODISSEI chairman Pearl Dysktra. The NWO…