Category: News
Presentations workshop Linkage of Data online
Thursday 26 October, the workshop Linkage of Data was held in Utrecht, organized by ODISSEI and Statistics Netherlands (CBS). During this workshop over sixty participants shared their experiences on the topic of data linkage. The presentations that were given during the workshop can be downloaded here: Egon Gerards (CBS) Combining microdata: the art of matching and…
Pearl Dykstra’s session on Synergy Conference
With pleasure the Board of the NWO Domain Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) invites researchers and others interested for its first Synergy Conference: ‘Creating common ground for the social sciences and humanities’ on 16 November 2017 in Utrecht, the Netherlands. One of the parallel sessions will be given by ODISSEI chairman Pearl Dysktra. The NWO…
Start pilot Microdata regulation
As a pilot starting in the fourth quarter of 2017, ODISSEI is making a remuneration available to its particpants that make use of CBS microdata. This so-called Microdata Regulation is being provided as a contribution towards the costs for using CBS microdata. Click here for more information about the Micrdata Regulation.
A new Research Fellow post is available at the European Social Survey (ESS) HQ based at City, University of London funded jointly by ESS ERIC and the University. The post holder will be involved in several aspects of ESS HQ activities. For further details and to apply see here. The deadline for applications is 11.59pm on 11th…
Thousandth participant for YOUth
The YOUth study recently welcomed the thousandth participant in the KinderkennisCentrum of Utrecht University. YOUth explores how children grow up and how various factors influence the development of the young brain. Ultimately, the goal is to track a total of six thousand children for a long time. YOUth Baby & kind will follow babies from before they’re born until…
Festive launch ODISSEI, data platform for the social sciences
During a festive meeting at the Central Museum in Utrecht last Thursday, ODISSEI (Open Data Infrastructure for Social Science and Economic Innovation) was launched. Together with Pieter Hooimeijer (NWO-MaGW) and Huib van de Stadt (CBS), scientific leader Pearl Dykstra (EUR) performed the symbolic opening act by announcing the new name. (Report in Dutch only) Binnen…
ODISSEI Workshop: Integrating Microdata with Geospatial Approaches
On April 22, ODISSEI hosts an online workshop on CBS microdata and geospatial analysis, organised in collaboration with dr. Marco Helbich and dr. Hannah Roberts (UU). During this afternoon, attendees will learn more about the possibilities of CBS microdata for geospatial analysis. The event will focus on what types of data are available, how to…
In juni organiseerden DANS, CESSDA-ERIC en ODISSEI een workshop voor sociale wetenschappers over Research Data Management (RDM) en verantwoorde Open Science. Het richtte zich vooral op onderzoekers die met kwantitatieve data werken. De workshop had als doel om hen te voorzien van inzichten op het gebied van RDM en FAIR data, en om hen te…
ODISSEI Lunch Lecture: ODISSEI & Computational Social Science
On Thursday 23 September from 12:00 to 13:00, the first ODISSEI Lunch Lecture of this academic year will take place online. Dr. Tom Emery (ODISSEI and Erasmus University Rotterdam) will give a lecture on advances in computational social science. We warmly invite you to attend this online lecture, to learn more about ODISSEI and computational…