Category: News
Building a FAIR Expertise Hub for the social sciences
In the age of big data and computational methods, it is increasingly common for researchers to rely on the use of data sets that were not originally intended for research purposes, such as administrative records and media content (e.g. tweets). While constituting sources of novel insights and knowledge, these data sets often lack appropriate documentation…
“XR on Tour” by the SURF Open Innovation Lab
From April to June 2022 the SURF Open Innovation Lab is organizing “XR on Tour”, in which they will visit various events and institutions. The goal of the tour is to inspire and find potential new use(r)s of different forms of XR, to strengthen connections with existing XR hubs and local communities, and in general…
CBS – ODISSEI Microdata Meeting: Beyond the limits of the CBS RA environment: efficient programming and the ODISSEI Secure Supercomputer
On Monday 16 May, from 14-15 hrs (CET), Erik-Jan van Kesteren (UU) will present on the ways in which you can deal with the computational limits of the CBS Remote Access environment. He will give an accessible introduction to the variety of ways in which you can programme more efficiently when using microdata in your…
First Aid for Data Questions: How SoDa can support researchers with the development of innovative applications
Doing research involves several rounds of creating ideas, experimenting and processing the outcomes. Dr. Minet de Wied, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Utrecht University, understands the challenges of developing research methods and experiments like no other. In her research on empathy in children with behavioural disorders, she uses a multi-method approach…
ODISSEI Lunch Lecture: Knowledge barriers and childcare usage among Dutch parents
On 21 April from 12.00 to 13.00 hours, dr. Verena Seibel (Utrecht University) will give a lunch lecture on Knowledge barriers and childcare usage among Dutch parents (abstract below). This research is based on a study that is conducted with an ODISSEI LISS grant that Seibel and dr. Mara Yerkes have received in 2020 for…
CBS – ODISSEI Microdata Meeting: Newly available socioeconomic status scores for districts and neighbourhoods
On Tuesday 19 April, from 15.00 to 16.00 hours, Jan Mol will present on the second CBS – ODISSEI Microdata Meeting. During this online event, Mol will talk about a Statistics Netherlands (CBS) project to calculate socioeconomic status (SES) scores for districts and neighbourhoods in all municipalities in the Netherlands. The CBS-ODISSEI Microdata Meetings feature…
CBS – ODISSEI Microdata Meeting: Navigating complex administrative data
On Tuesday 8 March, from 12.00 to 13.00 hours, dr. Jan van der Laan and dr. Tom Emery will give a lecture on CBS Microdata. During the first CBS-ODISSEI Microdata Meeting researchers can learn more about working with the ‘A Persons Network (PN)’ microdata file, a data file describing the networks of the whole Dutch…
E-data February 2022 published
The new E-data has been published in February. In this E-data you can find an article about the unveiling of SURF’s new supercomputer, Snellius, on which the ODISSEI Secure Supercomputer (OSSC) will soon run as well. Amongst others, a project of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), that aims to investigate…
Meet the ODISSEI Coordination Team: Scientific Manager Kasia Karpinska
As the Dutch national infrastructure for Social Sciences, ODISSEI aims to support social scientists in a variety of ways. It can be hard to optimally navigate all the options that are available to (aspiring) computational social scientists. Therefore ODISSEI’s Scientific Manager, dr. Kasia Karpinska, is available for consultation for those who want to make use…
ODISSEI Lunch Lecture: Research Data Acquisition on the Intersection between Economics and Criminology
On 22 March from 12.00 to 13.00 hours, dr. Marco Stam (Leiden University) will give a Lunch Lecture about Research Data Acquisition on the Intersection between Economics and Criminology. We warmly invite you to attend this lecture, learn more about Research Data Acquisition and participate in the Q&A and discussion after the lecture. About the…