CBS-ODISSEI Microdata Meeting

On Tuesday 19 April, from 15.00 to 16.00 hours, Jan Mol will present on the second CBS Microdata Meeting.

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) is currently working on a project to calculate socioeconomic status (SES) scores for districts and neighbourhoods in all municipalities in the Netherlands. At the end of March, the resulting scores for 2014-2019 will be published in the online databank StatLine. Additionally, a microdatafile with the scores for each underlying household will be made available for researchers in the secure microdata environment of CBS.  The scores will be based on household data concerning welfare (a combination of income and wealth), highest level of education and recent labour participation.
In this lecture, Jan Mol of CBS will elaborate on the data sources that were used and the methodology to calculate the resulting SES-score. Also he will describe how the scores can be used for all kinds of research, either as a background or dependent variable in research on all kind of topics or in specific research on how the SES itself has developed over time.

Read more about the event here. Registration has closed, but you can send an email to to request the link.

Date 19 April 2022