NPSO Innovation Day

On the 8th of December, the Netherlands Platform of Survey Research organises the bi-yearly Innovationday for Dutch and Belgian researchers. During this event, which will take place online, nine researchers will present their work regarding methodology (quantitative and qualitative) for using and/or analysing surveys, Big Data and a variety of sources. This research leads to innovation in the observation, processing and analysing of survey statistics. NPSO hopes to provide young researchers with the opportunity to showcase their work to a broad audience and discuss their results and research plans.
At the end of the event, participants can vote for the most innovative research projects. The researcher with the most votes will receive the Innovation-award. During the plenary session, NPSO will discuss proposals for innovation in survey methodological survey research with all participants and presenters.

You can find the full programme below. Abstracts of the presentations will be circulated in late November. You can register for the Innovation day by emailing

13.00-13.05     Online start in Zoom
13.05-13.10      Welcome by host

13.10-14.50: Plenary session 1

1. 13.10-13.30 Danielle McCool (UU/CBS) Multiple imputation with (annoyingly) spatiotemporal data
2. 13.30-13.50 Wouter Kiekens (RuG) Differences by sex and gender in the association between minority stress and alcohol use among sexual and gender minority youth: A daily diary study
3. 13.50-14.10 An-Chiao Liu (UvT/CBS) Correcting selection bias in the age of big data
4. 14.10-14.30 Eric Schaap (Maastricht University / CBS) Are firms within densely connected clusters more innovative? A web approach to inter-firm relationships


5. 14.30-14.50 Mark Dekker (PBL) Evaluation of non-pharmaceutical interventions during the COVID-19 first wave in the Netherlands

14.50-15.10      Break

15.10-16.30:     Plenary session 2

6.  15.10-15.30 Rowan ten Kate (RuG) A reflexive note on studying older migrants: Experiences from a qualitative fieldwork
7. 15.30-15.50 Alberto Stefanelli (KU Leuven) Finite mixture model for discovering treatment heterogeneity in conjoint experiments
8. 15.50-16.10 Shiya Wu (UU / CBS) Learning Time changes in response rates from mixed-mode historic survey data
9. 16.10-16.30 Yvonne Gootzen (TU Eindhoven / CBS) DaCiMob: Combining administrative, survey and big data to gain new insights in mobility.


 16.30-17.00:     Discussant Peter Lugtig (Universiteit Utrecht)

Innovation in Surveyresearch

17.00-17.15      Voting, award ceremony en closing remarks by host

Date 8 December 2021