POPNET Connects with Márton Karsai

Socioeconomic correlations in social-communication networks and mobility

Our understanding of the structure and dynamics of social systems has been developed considerably during the last years due to the recent availability of large digital datasets collecting interactions of millions of individuals. However, although these studies consider the structural, temporal, or spatial characters of human interactions they commonly miss one important dimension regarding the socioeconomic status of individuals, which may largely determine the social structure itself. The uneven distribution of wealth and individual economic capacities are among the main forces, which shape modern societies and arguably bias the emerging social network. In this talk, we will discuss a set of results aiming to close this gap through studies relying on various data-driven observations on mobile-phone communication, bank transaction, satellite, online social system and human mobility datasets. We will find that socioeconomic disparities lead to segregation patterns not only in space but in the social network structure and mobility patterns of people.

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Date 16 November 2021