Archives: Facilities
Add metadata to the ODISSEI Portal
The ODISSEI Portal The ODISSEI Portal is an initiative of the Dutch national infrastructure for the Social Sciences and Economics, creating one access point for data collections that are relevant for the Dutch social sciences community. The ODISSEI Portal is an aggregator of metadata that is published in other (meta)data repositories. The metadata from other…
ODISSEI for potential data providers
Dutch social scientists typically follow three steps in acquiring sensitive data. First, they find (sensitive) data through the ODISSEI Portal, which aggregates public metadata records from data sets that are relevant to the Dutch social science community and makes them searchable through a single interface. Having your metadata searchable there will make your organisations more…
ODISSEI Knowledge Hub
The ODISSEI Knowledge Hub is constantly improved to make sure the resources are available for our community. Discover what the ODISSEI Knowledge Hub offers now below. Do you want to add your output to the ODISSEI Knowledge Hub? Reach out to the ODISSEI FAIR Support team via the button below. Picture by Galina Nelyubova on…
Free registration of new users for ODISSEI member organisations
To apply, Project Leaders are requested to fill in a short form on the ODISSEI website stating which early career researcher they would like to have added to which project. If accepted, ODISSEI will then notify CBS of the additional researcher and the researcher will then be added to the specified project without having to…
ODISSEI Storage Facility within the CBS Remote Environment
Requests can be submitted to the ODISSEI Scientific Manager, Kasia Karpinska, who will evaluate the scientific justification for the ODISSEI community and consult CBS on the alignment of the request with the CBS rules and regulations (such as (e.g. purpose limitation, data minimalisation). Please note, that datasets to be included in the ODISSEI storage facility…
Microdata Access Grant
The Microdata Access Grant 2024 (MAG 2024-2) is currently open and will close on the 24th of October 2024, 15.00 (CEST). Learn more about the Call for Proposals and apply via the links below. Call for Proposals Submit your proposal Together with CBS, ODISSEI hosts an Information Event and Q&A Session to clarify the questions…
The ODISSEI and ASReview Collaboration
ASReview and ODISSEI’s Social Data Science Team (SoDa) cooperate to support researchers who use or want to use ASReview LAB. Via this collaboration, you can make use of the following services: Do you need help right away? If you are using ASReview and need help right away, go to the extensive documentation or the discussion platform and ask your question! Picture…
Grant application support
Expertise present in ODISSEI spans from data linkages, data management and supercomputing, to support in applying computational methods. We closely collaborate with many well-established institutions in the Netherlands, such as CBS, Centerdata (host of the LISS panel study) and SURF, all of which have the dedicated expertise needed to successfully complete complex research projects. Potential…
CBS Microdata access
Together with CBS, we offer the Microdata Access Programme which supports working with the CBS Microdata. See the available opportunities below. Conducting research with CBS microdata Statistics Netherlands (CBS) collects a wide range of data for its statistical tasks, many of them microdata at the level of individual persons or organisations. Protection of the confidentiality…
LISS panel access
The LISS panel Grant The LISS panel Grant offers financing for data collection via LISS panel. Through this grant, scientists receive free panel time to field their own questions /experiments. The submissions are assessed by an independent and interdisciplinary committee. The 2024 ODISSEI LISS panel Grant call is now open and will close on the…